GAPS Network – pension services excellence

It was an honour to chair the meeting of GAPS Network members held in Munich on 3 November. A talented group, offering pension services excellence across Europe and North America. We discussed pension developments in various jurisdictions, ways to improve our cross-border collaboration and we also remembered our late friend and US colleague Mike Yates. […]

Trident Consulting submission to Pensions Authority

Trident Consulting made a submission today to the Pensions Authority regarding their draft code of practice for trustees of occupational pension schemes and trust RACs. The submission (which may be accessed through this link Trident Consulting submission to Pensions Authority) cautions that the timeframe for IORP II regulatory changes may be harmful to member outcomes.

European Union (Occupational Pension Schemes) Regulations 2021

The Pensions Authority has published an information note (iorp_ii_regulations_-_information_for_trustees), the purpose of which is to give trustees of occupational pension schemes and trust RACs an overview of the key provisions of the recently transposed Directive (EU) 2016/2341 (the IORP II Directive). The note also sets out how the Authority will oversee compliance with the Regulations […]

Housing Benefits Package

The Household Benefits Package is a package of allowances which help people with the costs of running their household. The package is available to everyone aged over 70 and to people under age 70 in certain circumstances. Only one person in a household can qualify for the package at any time. The following link gives useful […]

Pensions Authority compliance alert: Trustee Training

The Pensions Authority issued a reminder about trustee training requirements on 12 April. Trustee training can be arranged through Trident Consulting on a bespoke or general basis. Thursday, 12 April 2018: The Pensions Act (‘the Act’) requires scheme trustees to complete relevant trustee training within specified timeframes. Trustees and employers should be aware of their obligations […]